Safari with us

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Build rewilding parks with us


Every 10 subscribers we plant a tree a year


Every 100 subscribers we release an endangered animal


Every 10,000 subscribers we build a new rewilding safari park a year

Do something about climate change –
 subscribe to LettsSafari

We believe in being different. Most of the rewilding industry is about large scale wilderness transformation and sustainable farming. Our approach is smaller-scale rewilding. For over 15 years we’ve perfected an approach for the non-farmable land, public spaces, backyards and private parks that are typically under 250 acres. Something that not only makes a difference, but can also be adopted by people like you!

We’re also online pioneers, sharing all of what we and our community do on an online subscription platform. Think of it like the Netflix of rewilding! Not only does your subscription go to planting trees, introducing endangered animals and building new parks, you also get a front row seat among the wildlife and habitats. Plus you learn how to transform your own flower box, balcony, backyard, school or business.

Each tree we plant removes 1 tonne of carbon dioxide during its life. Our safari parks have over 20,000 trees, removing up to 200 tonnes of carbon a year. We also remove carbon with scrub, wild grasses, wetland and bog. And we improve biodiversity by supporting endangered animals, bats, bees, fungi and more. You can learn to do the same.

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Become a member of LettsSafari and you:

Help us plant new trees

Help us release endangered wildlife and build new habitats

Get exclusive access to LettsSafari+ and learn how to create your own wildlife haven in your backyard, work, school or community

Help us build new safari parks and support rewilding initiatives

Do something about climate change and safari with us online.
Intro Video

The LettsSafari Promise

Plant Trees

Every 10 subscribers we plant a tree a year. Trees absorb carbon, reduce emissions and provide habitats for wildlife.

Save wildlife

Every 100 subscribers we release an endangered animal a year. In the last 50 years we’ve lost half our animals – it’s time to change that.

Expand parks

Every 10,000 subscribers we create a new safari park a year. We’ve cracked the code on 20+ acre safari parks – so there are plenty to build!
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When you subscribe to LettsSafari you also get access to LettsSafari+ giving you a front row seat at our safari parks with video, wildlife photography and wild stories. Learn how to create a mini LettsSafari in your backyard, work, school and in the community. Discover rewilding, wildlife gardening and eco living.

What People Say

“Rewilding removes carbon and restores wildlife and nature. Letts Safari has figured out how to do smaller-scale rewilding so we can all get involved.”

- Jane Ross

"LettsSafari is a great idea. My subscription helps to build safari parks and I enjoy online video and photography as well. It’s even inspired me to rewild my little garden."

- John McDonald

Let’s safari together.

Doing something about climate change.
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LettsSafari Logo, a grey Letts with an orange Safari.
Collective Action. Powerful Impact
LettsSafari Logo, a grey Letts with an orange Safari.
Collective Action. Powerful Impact