
Help us introduce new species. LettsSafari parks protect endangered wildlife. With specialist herbivores that drive the forces of habitat regeneration, plus wild animals, rare birds, snakes, predators and more. Every 100 subscribers we release a wild animal a year.
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LettsSafari parks are packed with wildlife, including birds of prey, over 12 species of bat, including the grey long-eared, and our most endangered mammals like the hazel dormouse and water vole – plus loads of insects, birds and butterflies. Weasel, foxes, badgers and polecats roam freely.
Our herbivores include Fallow deer, wild alpaca, Soay and Badger Faces. They use their mouth, feet and horns to drive the forces of habitat regeneration.

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LettsSafari Logo, a grey Letts with an orange Safari.
Collective Action. Powerful Impact
LettsSafari Logo, a grey Letts with an orange Safari.
Collective Action. Powerful Impact