Tackle climate change. 
Build rewilding safari parks with us.

You subscribe. We plant trees, release endangered wildlife and build new rewilding parks.

Subscribe today - just £4.50 a month!
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Our digital platform gives you a front row seat so you can follow from the comfort of your own home.

Build rewilding parks with us


Every 10 subscribers we plant a tree a year


Every 100 subscribers we release an endangered animal


Every 10,000 subscribers we build a new rewilding safari park a year
“Rewilding removes carbon and restores wildlife and nature. LettsSafari has figured out how to do smaller-scale rewilding so we can all get involved.”

Jane Ross

"LettsSafari is a great idea. My subscription helps to build safari parks and I enjoy online video and photography as well. It’s even inspired me to rewild my little garden."

John McDonald

Do something about climate change. Subscribe today - just £4.50 a month!
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Make A Difference: Together We Can Rewild To Tackle Climate Change

Easy: Low-cost subscription model. Just £4.50 a month.
Impact: 100% of your money goes directly to planting trees, introducing animals and building new parks.
Transparent: Get an online, front-row seat to our parks.

Innovative: Access a digital platform with updates, articles, insights and experiences.
Learn: We show you how to build a mini wildlife haven in your backyard, at work, school and in your community.
Experience: Backed by industry-recognised, smaller-scale rewilding experts with 15+ years experience.
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Real Impact Achievements for a Greener Future

Endangered Animal Species
Trees Planted
Tonnes CO2 Sequestered
Collective Action. Powerful Impact.
All subscriptions directly fund LettsSafari rewilding initiatives. Plus every subscriber is empowered to rewild their own spaces - multiplying the impact of subscriptions.
Innovative Platform.
Access a digital platform with updates, articles, insights and experiences.
Works for the workplace.

Get your workplace involved too! LettsSafari GreenTeam is a subscription package perfect for businesses wanting to get their employees involved. Find out more.

Do something about climate change. Subscribe today - just £4.50 a month!

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